More Jobs for the city and the Kidsgrove area and going hand in hand with this is more training for all age groups and we need more Apprenticeships for school leavers as well, so that we have enough skills in our local work force to do well. We will need more money now to do this, but it will work out better in the long run. We need to attract new businesses into this city and Kidsgrove area, and than show them we have one of the best skilled work forces in the area, for them to work with and do well with. Also at the same time we need to support the smaller businesses in the area so they can grow. We all have to work hard together to achieve this, so the city and the kidsgrove area can thrive and grow in the future together, and once again be an area to be proud to work in and come from.

Zero hours contract I am not in favour of. Because it is hard enough to do a days work, with zero hours you are all over the place, are you worker or are you not.


In this city we need houses going up and not being knocked down as has been done in the past, and the local community spirit being lost by doing this. As the government only want to put investment in to building private homes for first time buyers. I feel that the government should let councils have the same investment to put up new houses estates, to rent out to these who can not afford to buy a new home. The new estates will need to have, one and two bedroom flats and bungalows in them as well as family size homes, this will give us an estate of different size houses and this is one way of giving people a good start in life as in the past, and also give you time to saving up a deposit to get one foot on the house ladder. This is just one way of dealing with this.                                                                                   

Brownfield Sites,

I am in favour of Brownfield sites being used first for building new homes on rather than Greenfield sites. One of the upside to this is that it would help to used up the land that is now old and derelict formed industry sites. To build new houses estates on there sites would help to regenerate the inner city, and hopefully help to keep the high street shops from moving out.